Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews – Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots Scam or Real Deal

I love staying fit. And eating right and exercising regularly is the way to go!

Is ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ or ‘Fat Loss For Idiots’ the perfect weight loss program ?
Read more here and you will get the answer.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an ambitious Weight Loss program that claims to help you lose 9 pounds every 11 days. Now this is quite a bold statement, which
is quite unlikely, and probably not healthy.

But is fat loss 4 idiots the most effective way to lose weight fast?

Like the ‘Biggest Loser’ TV Show, most contestants often lose weight ‘fast’ durng the early stages of a diet program.

This is due to the body system being ‘shocked’ or stressed to a different environment to what it is used to; less starchy carbs and more exercise.

The human body is quite clever, and often after the initial stress, the body adapts to the new environment or remains in a comfort ‘Zone’ and often the weight loss slows before a new set of program is introduced.

Similarly fat loss 4 idiots will calculate for you the best diet to help you lose weight (in just 11 days) and rotate the diet, and calorie eating pattern to encourage the body to burn more calories and fat.

Better yet, it keeps you from getting bored and teach your body to burn faster. More improtantly, it’s aim is to trick the body’s metabolism to burn more fat.

For example, if your body was taking in 3,000 calories a day and then suddenly the calorie intake was reduced to 1,500 calories, your
body firstly will be shocked with the calorie difference, but then have to look burn energy elsewhere, which is often fat!

This is a general idea of fat loss 4 idiots.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan consists of a list of preferred foods, such as

-Lean proteins;
-Fruit and vegetables;
-Whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs);
-Some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta).

It is a reduced carbo hydrate diet with nutritional value.

There are 4 meals in a day, with a minimum of 2.5 hours between each meal. As you can no eating chicken or fish every day.

The diet offers a solid variety of meals, so you’re eating different foods every day, and with four meals daily, you won’t get hungry.

Unlike other diet programs, fat loss 4 idiots does not not worry about calorie or carb counting, and no limit on portion size. The aim is to just eat short of being full.

Here is just one sample meal plan:

Day 1
Meal 1: Flavored Oatmeal
Meal 2: Tuna Salad
Meal 3: Sandwich (any type)
Meal 4: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Day 2:
Meal 1: Banana Milk Shake
Meal 2: Chicken
Meal 3: Scrambled Eggs [and] Mixed Vegetables
Meal 4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3:
Meal 1: Chicken
Meal 2: Fruit Salad
Meal 3: Fish Filet
Meal 4: Cottage Cheese

At the completion of the 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day “cheat” sheet – where you are allowed to enjoy whatever you want to eat.

After that 3 day cycle, the 11 day diet plan begins again.

However, for maximum gain from the fat loss 4 idiots diet, it is recommended that you exercise, drink plenty of water and avoid processed foods, and high calorie drinks.

Unlike other diet program where you are required to purchase expensive pre-packaged food and supplements, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an economical diet program, and you buy your own food! A really fresh food diet.

Nutritionally it is a reduced carb diet that tries to work your metabolism more efficiently. It contains only whole foods (no processed foods, no high-sugar foods, or no supplements).

Fat loss 4 idiots will not suit everyone. It is web-based only, and there are no email support and no human contact.

Once you pay, you have immediate access to a simple to understand diet in 15 minutes. Fat loss 4 idiots will change the way you eat, what you eat and improve your nutritional value.

So if you are currently struggling to lose weight, and have always been on a high processed and fatty food diet, then fat loss 4 idiots will improve your diet.

And if you are new to dieting and do not know where to start, fat loss 4 idiots is a cheap, easy to understand, no complex science diet. You will learn from it.

Overall, if you follow the step by step, easy to use instructions then you will lose weight.

Stick to the 11 day meal diet once you start, and you’ll see results of fat loss 4 idiots.


i) When you get your Fat Loss 4 Idiots book, you will receive a free bonus report that will show you how to Turbo Charge your fat loss. Look for the bonus report below.

ii) If you are finding a lack of motivation to start a diet, read the latest research below that has linked waist size and the possibility of cancer.

If you read Fat loss for idiots you will learn how to lose more fat and gain muscle at the gym while spending less time at the gym so you don’t need anything more.

The theme of this book is working towards a healthy lifestyle and staying fit with variation to your exercise. And it’s got nothing to do with the repetitive BORING Cardios, but exercises that will boost fat loss result!

If you really want to get this book then you should get it from only the original website for Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Tip
How to Lose Weight For Good
When you starve your body of energy by eating less, your metabolic rate slows down! This means you will burn fewer calories through tout the day.

The best way to achieve effective and permanent weight loss is to:
– be patient
– cut food intake Moderately over time
– participate in a form of aerobic exercise such as swimming, running or cycling to assist in burning energy
– resistance (weight training) to maintain and increase lean muscle tissue.

Turbulence Training cover great training programs on both aerobic and resistance training, and is highly intensive aimed for optimal result. As well, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a great web based diet program to help you shed more pounds!
Dirty Trick Beats Fat Loss Plateau
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Tips
I once had a training partner that would put more weight on the bar than I expected. For example, if I planned to do 200 lbs for 8 reps, he would sneak on 210.

And the thing is, I often ended up doing it just as easily as I
expected to do 200.

The point to his dirty trick?

He knew I was stronger than I let my mind believe.

(Note: Don’t try this at home. He was also spotting me during each repetition.)

But how can you benefit from this dirty trick?

2 ways.

1) Change your mindset and self-image.

If you are stuck at a fat loss plateau and keep telling yourself you are meant to be fat, then guess what? You’ll never win.

Instead, tell yourself you are meant to lose the fat. And believe it when you say it! Picture yourself with a better body. Picture
yourself buying clothes for your new, better body.

Here’s a great example of a fat burning mindset shift mentioned by SteveH on the member’s forum…

“Yesterday’s eating went well. I even resisted a plate of fries and didn’t order the burger I was wanting. I used the mindset that Craig mentioned – “I am a healthy person. Healthy people don’t eat Burgers and Fries”. So I got a turkey sandwich with steamed veggies.”

Having a strong, positive thinking attitude will put you on the road to success.

2) Break a new record in the gym each workout.

Your body won’t change if you aren’t improving. My friend’s dirty trick ensured that I was always doing more each workout, and therefore, always making gains.

So for your fat loss workout, pick one area you can improve on each workout. Whether it’s one more pushup, a faster interval, or 5 more pounds on an exercise, break a record and you’ll bust your plateau.

Train for performance, and the fat burning will follow.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.
Waistline Cancer Woes
World First Research Found A Direct Link Between Waist Size and Cancer!
A World first research conducted in Victoria, Australia involving more than 40,000 locals has discovered a link between waist size and the risk of getting cancer!

Cancer Council Victoria’s 20 year research, tracked the health of 41,500 Victorians aged between 40 and 60 years of age since 1990. The data included analysis of blood, DNA samples, body measurements, and lifestyle questions on diet, lifestyle and cancer.

The aim of the research was to see how an individual’s lifestyle such as nutrition and exercise affected a person’s risk of developing certain types of cancers.

Results of the research revealed:
Men with a waistline size of more than 100cm has a 72% increased risk of colon cancer, and a 43% increased risk of prostrate cancer.

Women with a waistline size of more than 85cm has a 22% increased risk of breast cancer, and a 33% increased risk of colon cancer.

Therefore being overweight or obese has an unwanted relationship with certain types of cancer: Colon cancer, post menopausal breast, endometrium, kidney and oesophagus.

Now if this doesn’t getting people to improve their health, than nothing will.

Unfortunately, many people do not realize they are overweight or just do not make the necessary effort to change their eating and lifestyle habits.

The first step people should now is to measure their waist. And if the measurements exceed the limit, it is time to re-evaluate their life and reduce the risk of cancer and other over-weight associated problems.

Again, proper dieting combined with exercise is the recommended path to healthy life.

As mentioned in previous posts, Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Turbulence Training is a perfect combination for people looking to change their lifes.

The best part about the two programs, it has variety, and you will not get bored..
Fat Loss For Idiots : A Change In Lifestyle
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a change in lifestyle, and working towards a healthier life.

If you are not prepared to make a sacrificial change, then Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not for you.

But if you are motivated then it is simple.

The diet plan is simple, and you just have to follow it.

Remember you are not paying for a 5 star restaurant
and the meals may look plain, but it is designed to work your body…designed to burn more fat.

At least the meals are varied everyday to keep you interested.

And at the end of the 11 day cycle, you get to cheat the system, eat whatever you want-ice cream, pizza, etc (in moderation).

Lastly, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet plan only, so it is recommended that you exercise frequently to complement the diet plan.

The results will be better, and you will be leaner and fitter for it. And the best part is you don’t have to spend 7 days a week at the gym, only 40 -45 minutes of your time, 3 days a week.
Better Health Online
Fat Loss For Idiots
Losing weight any time can be tough, but it can be especially difficult in winter. It doesn’t help when there are so many experts pushing diet and fitness programs. Do you count calories? Cut carbohydrates? Or burn fat? And if so, how?

Make it easier for yourself by taking advantage of the step by step Fat Loss 4 idiots program.

After 12 weeks of Fat Loss For Idiots program, you’ll be familiar with the essentials of weight loss and nutrition, the importance of physical activity.

Fat Loss 4 idiots is a daily meal plan optimized for steady weight loss and specific to your life style and goals.
Fat Loss For Idiots Useful Sites
More Fat Loss For Idiots Tips To Fat Loss
Turbulence Training

Intense workout program designed to help you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. This program will suit anyone, especially people with a busy and hectic lifestyle.

Included with the ebook are nutritional advice for maximum muscle definition and staying trim.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle A Scam? | Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Reviews..

A great addition to lose weight quickly. Combine it with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you will have great results.
Better Health Advise for “Weight Loss For Idiots”…
Weight Loss 4 Idiots Tips
Losing weight any time can be tough, but it ca be especially difficult in winter. It doen’t help when there are so many experts pushing diet and fitness programs.

Do you count calories?

Cut Carbohydrates?

Or burn fat?

And if so, how?

Make it easier for yourself by varying the diet in your daily meal plan. With variation, not only will your level of motivation will be maintained but the satisfaction of keeping to a diet is rewarding.

After you complete the ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ program, you will be familiar with the essentials of weight loss and nutrition, the importance of physical activity, and you will build a lifetime of good health and weight management.

Fat Loss For Idiots daily meal plan is optimised for steady weight loss and specific to your lifestyle and goals.

Therefore, use this snapshot for success-

1) Get started – check your health, set goals and follow the ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ meal plan;

This a ‘DIY’ program which is easy and simple to follow, which is designed to train you to fill the refrigerator and pantry with an eye for health.

The benefits of knowing how to make the right food choices for enjoyment and health is a step towards your goal.

2) Burning fat – exercise, look at ‘Turbulence Training’ to turbo charge your fat loss and fitness.

The focus is on core strength, and it will how you can burn fat.

This will maximise your enjoyment and motivation for continued activity.

3) Take it easy – Learn the importance of relaxation to recharge the batteries.

4) Combining ‘Fat Loss For Idiots’ and ‘Turbulence Training’ will strengthen your resolve for long term success in weight management.
‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ Tips For Weight Loss Success
Tips To Ensure ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ Works
Simple small tips you should follow to ensure the Fat Loss 4 Idiots works.

Start a schedule, follow it strictly and make it a routine. A strong discipline to your life can make a difference-

1) Exercise in the morning before breakfast – Research has proven that you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.

Perform both resistance and cardio training at the gym, brisk walk, jog at the park to keep fit and burn more calories.

With exercise, you will burn body fat during a workout session, and will continue to burn more after the workout.

2) Drink plenty of water – A minimum of 16 Glasses of filtered or boiled water per day.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes out the harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which makes it difficult for the body to accumulate any body fat.

3) Light resistance training before cardio workout

Research has shown that during the first 20 minutes of any exercise ,the body will not any body fat.

Therefore, during the first 20 minutes of a workout, look at lifting light weights to get your muscles going. This will increase your metabolism rate by 100% and help you burn more fat quickly

4) Eat Breakfast – Not only will breakfast boost your metabolism, but it will give you the energy to burn more fat quickly. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will have a daily breakfast meal you should adhere to.

Breakfast will help you stop the cravings during the day.

The above tips are just small changes and small steps towards your long term goal with Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Visit the FAT LOSS 4 Idiots Website Now,for Full Details and/or Purchase, by CLICKING on the Link,below:

CLICK HERE to Visit: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Website – Now!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots FACTS: Whether you’ve been struggling with your weight for years or if it’s something that’s just recently become an issue, this…Finally is something that REALLY works for the rest of us and doesn’t require counting calories, carbs, or fat — it’s so simple and foolproof that ANYONE can do it without harmful drugs or starvation!

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Visit the FAT LOSS 4 Idiots Website Now,for Full Details and/or Purchase, by CLICKING on the Link,below:


CLICK HERE to Visit: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Website – Now!




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