Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews

“fat loss 4 idiots reviews” My Story: A Quick Story About Me And Why You Can Trust This Fat Loss For Idiots Review. Everyone who’s over weight wants to lose their fat. Naturally… who doesn’t? The problem people face is that they’re not given the honest advice about losing weight. If they were then people wouldn’t continue to get fatter and fatter every day.

Before I go any further I want you to know that this is an honest and independent review on Fat Loss For Idiots and it’s going to cover any questions or concern you may have about the program.

My Name is Wendy Becket and I’ve been over weight most of my life. I have a husband and three kids who I adore. My husband was also over weight and we made a joint commitment to lose our weight together. We’re actually quite lazy but we weren’t the kid of people who sat around all day doing nothing. We had fairly active lifestyles. Who doesn’t with three little ones running around your feet!

I had been on diet plans before but they just didn’t work for me. Not that they don’t work, but I got board and it got very repetitive and I felt like I was on a chain around my neck and if I put a foot out of place the whole thing would be a waste of time. My husband had even paid for a personal trainer to get me into shape. She would pick me up from my home and take me there twice a week but it was just too much work and took up too much time. She was pushing me too hard, and too fast. My body just wasn’t ready for that kind of physical strength and I’d never been fond of the gym anyway, so I gave it in.

We wanted to change for ourselves and for our family. We didn’t want our children growing up and becoming overweight like us. If that happened, I would be so disappointed in myself and I know they’d feel the same.

I and my husband have been with one another our whole lives and back in school we were both picked on, on a daily basis by other kids because of our size! We didn’t want that happening to our kids. We wanted to be the right role models for them.

On top of all my reasons for wanting to lose weight, a newly released report came out that confirmed a link between cancer and being overweight. I’ve heard about links between diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure in the past but when I heard about cancer, this was the last straw, and this is what drove me even more. The thought of my kids losing their mum and dad to cancer because of obesity made me sick.

I spoke to my friends about my weight loss plan that we were going to do but none of them really had any advice for me other than the obvious.

When I got home my husband had been online all day surfing the web. He’d been reading reviews and articles all day long…

He found out about a new program called Fat Loss For Idiots.
My Fat Loss For Idiots Review

He actually came across it by reading an email from one of his favourite bloggers. He blogs about all kind of health and fitness related topics but in this email he said that the fitness world has been shaken up by this new course and everyone is flipping out over it!

Since launching their Fat Loss For Idiots website, they’ve become one of the most popular weight loss courses online! Some of the questions I asked my husband were “why is it so popular” and “what’s all the fuss about”. He replied…. “easy… it works!” and smiled at me. It was great having his support. I could tell that he really wanted to make this work for the both of us.

It’s now extremely popular and gets over 2.5 million people coming to their site every single month and growing with an enormous amount of members. It’ growing larger every day so naturally we were curious about how effective it was. I’m actually one of those people who are very cautious about things being sold on the internet. If I don’t like the look of something straight away I usually just hit the back button or close down my browser but I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.

They say that you can lose 9 lbs in 11 days! Well… I can’t say I lost that much in 11 days but I sure enough didn’t do too badly. And neither did my husband. I lost 5 lbs and he lost even more. But I have to give it to him. He followed their advice whereas I actually cheated a little. And that was just the first 11 days. We’ve now lost over 3 stone between the two of us!

What’s so special about Fat Loss For Idiots is that they break it down piece by piece. It was easy to follow and take action on their advice. They don’t give you any of that special talk or complex things to do or understand. It’s plain English that even an idiot could follow… hey, maybe that’s why they called it what they do ?

They do mention that exercise can speed up the rate of weight loss which is why I found it an important part of my weight loss plan. I wanted results fast and I wanted to do whatever I could in order to achieve my goal.

We also got access to this special online diet generator which asks you a few easy to answer questions and throws out the results tailored to your needs. This was really appealing to me.

Their course definitely turned out to be better than I thought it would. What’s so good is that it’s not like them other diet courses which take forever to read and feel more like an encyclopaedia. Not Fat Loss For Idiots. They really brought it down to a level that I could relate to.
Some Key Points

The core of their course is based around metabolism.

They tell you to eat 4 times a day. At first I didn’t get it but I kept reading and understood their theory. By eating more times throughout the day your energy levels are consistent which helps to keep your metabolism high. You need to eat near to 2 hours and 30 minutes apart. They would like you to eat just short of being full.

What I love about the meals is that you’re in control. You don’t need to buy their foods or anything like that. You buy and cook your own foods. It’s fun and engaging but their diet generator does all the hard work for you, so you don’t need to worry about what you buy, counting calories or reading packet labels.

Their big secret comes down to calorie shifting. What you’re doing is changing your intake of calories every day. In a sense, it tricks your bodies system into burning off more calories than it otherwise would.

Their plan is like nothing I’ve ever come across before. You can even drink alcohol and have late night snacks! You can’t drink excessively but they say 1 glass of wine a day is ok. And something else that I really liked the sound of was that it doesn’t matter about genetics. My husband’s parents were extremely over weight. They needed help getting out of bed every morning and they had a full time carer who lived with them. For my husband to know that he could still lose weigh regardless of being brought up into a family with health issues was a massive deal to him.

One of the main reasons I’ve come to realise when reading the course is that a lot of my fat was down to my body not getting rid of water in my body. And this was one of the main areas I focused on which helped me to lose weight and size so quickly.
Their Plan

Their diet plan is somewhere in the middle of other diet plans out there. I think it’s found the bit in between which hasn’t been covered before. It’s a very unique course that anyone can follow.

Their food plan is great. Unlike most other food plans out there you don’t have to starve yourself and you don’t have to eat food that you don’t like. There’s something for everybody with Fat Loss For Idiots. It consists of fruit and vegetables, protein type foods such as eggs and cottage cheese. And just because you have to lower your carbohydrates doesn’t mean no more pasta. In fact, they recommend foods with starchy carbs such as pasta and oats.
Who is Fat Loss For Idiots for?

Fat Loss For Idiots is for everyone. It’s for Male and females, young or old, whether you’re a vegetarian or not and even if you’ve just got off another diet course which didn’t work for you. The people it’s not for are those of you who don’t like the idea of eating less carbs and more protein. The thing is, if you don’t want to do things and push yourself to do the things you don’t like, all you’ll ever do is stay where you are. I wasn’t too keen on the idea of having less carbs and more protein but as soon as I started it was much easier than I expected. The meals are delicious!
What You Get as a Member

As soon as you join Fat Loss For Idiots you get access to their famous diet handbook as well as the extremely helpful online diet generator which work hand in hand with each other. The best thing is that it’s all online. Everything! It’s all there waiting for you behind a member’s area.
Not so good things about Fat Loss For Idiots

1. If you have come looking for a crafted exercise routine and workout plan then Fat Loss For Idiots isn’t what you’re looking for. It doesn’t contain any information on workout routines or provide any specific home exercises.
2. I don’t think they could make it much harder to place an order! Maybe they do this like I know a few other big sites do, but they make it so you have to navigate your way through 4 or so pages before coming to the order page. Maybe they do this to make sure you’re a serious customer… I’m not too sure. I don’t see why they don’t make it a little easier. The thing is, you have to because their website is the only place you can get this course. It’s not sold on Amazon or any other shop online or offline.
3. I know it’s called Fat Loss For Idiots but some of the pictures are a little child like on the 1st page. The big pictures and images looked a bit immature. I guess it’s so idiots can understand it huh? Lol. No, seriously, it’s a little annoying but at the end of the day, it’s the content which counts.
4. This isn’t one of those long term diet systems. That’s not to say it won’t work because it will if you follow it. But this course is created to make you lose 9 lbs in 11 days. In my opinion, they say that to motivate you. I think it’s a little too much. Losing that kind of weight in such a short amount of time is quite unheard of but I, my husband and many other members have lost significant amounts of weight in the 11 days which anyone would be proud of. But, after the 11 days are up, it’s up to you to carry on what you learnt and make losing weight an unconscious and every day thing.
5. While you could follow this plan forever it would start to be pretty bland after a few months I’m sure. But it’s about adapting it towards your lifestyle and making the change to yourself now that you can see results in the mirror.
6. Small parts of the advice in the plan seemed very basic to me. But that’s down to me, because I’ve found similar information before. I read all over the internet all the time, but Fat Loss For Idiots just summed it up in a few pages to be frank!
7. The diet itself is a diet designed to help you lose weight but people that get a lot of exercise, an hour or more a day, may find that the diet does not offer enough calories.

Good things about Fat Loss For Idiots

1. At the end of the 11 days you can eat whatever you want for 3 days. This is something no other plan allows anywhere else. It’s something to look forward and there’s nothing better than a treat at the end of some hard work.
2. Other weight loss or diet programs tend to be quite generic and require you to either buy their foods and supplements or buy their exercise equipment. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is what it is. A simplified course that anyone can go through in no time and instantly know what they should be doing. It doesn’t require a doctor to explain it to you. Anyone can understand it. You buy the foods and you’re in control based upon what the diet generator tells you. It couldn’t be any easy which means you don’t need to read labels, count calories or anything like that. Fat Loss For Idiots makes it easy.
3. I’m a busy mum looking after 3 children with my husband. I have so much on my plate I thought I would never have time to read it let alone take action. But I was wrong. It’s so easy to absorb and I could easily make time for it in my hectic lifestyle.
4. They set the bar at 9 lbs in 11 days. Well the good news is, that even if you only achieve half of that in double the amount of days, you’ve still done incredibly well. You won’t believe how quickly the weight drops off.
5. Their unsolicited testimonials and feedback says it all. They’re all happy with the course because they all achieve amazing results that they haven’t been able to get with other plans.
6. You achieve weight loss without having to starve yourself or feel disheartened.
7. What it will do:

* It will, with no question of a doubt help you to lose weight fast without the need of starving yourself or spending unnecessary money.
* It will improve your lifestyle. You’ll feel healthier, stronger, fitter and more flexible because of it. You’ll look and feel better, in and out of your clothes and people will start to compliment the new you.
* You’ll be at and all time high with your self esteem shooting through the roof!
* Easily keep the weight off when you go off the diet.
* You’ll never feel in the dumps because of being overweight.

My Honest and Independent Advice

I can’t tell you exactly what they teach and how they teach it because of copyright reasons but I will give you some honest advice.

1. With Fat Loss For Idiots you’ll start to see results quickly but don’t be tempted to weigh yourself until the end of the 11 days. It’s all part of the plan, and by doing it sooner than you should it can mess up your rhythm.
2. At the end of the 11 days you’re allowed to spend 3 days eating what you like. It may seem a little back-to-front but it’s important that you do this. You’ll see why.
3. It’s important that you do not skip meal time. It’s extremely important that you stay consistent. Missing just one meal can knock you completely off track. The human body is designed to have smaller meals more frequently rather than bigger meals less often, so stick with it.
4. Drink plenty of water throughout every day.
5. Abide by their rules. When you can feel that you’re almost full up, stop! Don’t go overboard.
6. Stay far away from sweets and snacks.
7. Get at least a little exercise in. You should be getting exercise no matter if you’re on a fat loss plan or not.

It’s extremely healthy for your physical and mental health, so try to do it as often as you can. Even if it’s just a 10 minute walk up and down your road. It all helps.
Coming off the plan

Regardless if this is the best, worse, hardest or easiest plan ever created. If you aren’t in it for the long term then what’s the point?

This is a plan for 11 days to lose 9 lbs but they hold your hand and tell you exactly what you need to do if you want to continue with the same success.

They cover this in more detail when coming off the plan, and if you want to bring carbs back into your diet some more, you need to do it slowly and keep an eye on your results in case you start to slip up. It was a great help having my husband onboard as we could watch one another but this doesn’t mean you need someone else. At the end of the day, even if I told my husband to slow down, it’s still down to him to actually make that decision.

Just because you need to watch your carb intake or because you’ve been on a fat loss plan doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in life’s luxuries. A piece of cake at a party or a couple biscuits with a hot drink is fine. You just need to be aware of what you are eating and if you’re eating the wrong amounts or types of food at the wrong times.
My Conclusion on Fat Loss For Idiots

I think Fat Loss For Idiots will be around for a long, long time and it’s just a matter of time before it goes international. At the moment it’s huge in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia but I don’t see it stopping there.

Fat Loss For Idiots isn’t for everyone. After the 11 days are up it’s down to you to carry on and adapt it to your life. Just follow their advice. But I can tell you this. When you get to the end of the 11 days from now and weigh yourself and look in the mirror, absolutely no one on this planet would be able to stop you. It’s like motivation you’ve never seen or felt before! There will be no chance of slipping back into your old ways, but again. That’s down to you!

It’s the cheapest and most effective fat loss program I’ve ever seen before. It works very well but only when you follow their advice. If you don’t like the sound of lowering your carb intake and increasing your protein, then it’s not going to be your thing.

It’s a fantastic investment which has life value. Ask yourself… not how much you would pay, but how much you would exchange for a slim, beautiful and fit body that you can be proud of and show off to everyone! If you ask me, you can’t even put a price tag on that kind of happiness. Especially if you’ve been through the torment like I have over the years. When it comes down to it, Fat Loss For Idiots works, but only if you follow their advice.

I can’t really tell you any more than this as the rest is their closely guarded secret. If it didn’t work for me, I’d probably tell you what it is, but because it worked so well for me and my husband so well, I’m playing fair. They deserve my respect for the results I’ve got because of them. Rather than me telling you any more, I suggest you check their website for the full story.

Although the plan doesn’t cover exercises or physical activities they do encourage it. Doing exercises whether it’s just a 10 minute walk a few times here and there can help immensely. It’s like adding fuel to a fire.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots stays true to its name, and no, I’m not calling anyone who uses the diet an idiot!… But I think they could be upsetting a few people by saying that. Who wants to feel like an idiot? Well, I’m happy that I don’t get easily offended and didn’t take it personally but everyone is different.

I actually ended up losing 5 lbs in the first 11 days. Going from 0 to 5 lbs fat loss is a real achievement for me. My Husband done extremely well also and we’re just normal parents living hectic lifestyles which we thought we didn’t have time to squeeze anything else into. My sister wants to sign up too, now that she’s seen firsthand the type of results that can be achieved. But that’s the beauty of Fat Loss For Idiots… it doesn’t require extra time. You just change it around with what you’re already doing!

What’s so funny is I didn’t actually follow everything they said. I still had cheeky things when I shouldn’t have been but I still lost weight! Loads of weight in fact!! Just imagine how much I could have lost in those first 11 days? I recommend you follow their advice more closely than I did so you get even better results. Still, both I and my husband are still losing weight, albeit at a slower rate mind you, but it’s concept is still working strong for us.

Overall we give Fat Loss For Idiots 9 out of 10!

Are you someone who takes action or someone who sits back and does nothing? Are you going to do what all too many other people do and fail this area of your life? Make that choice now and make the change. If it was hard then I don’t blame you… but it’s not. It’s dead easy. Believe me. If I can do it, then you can too!

The great thing about it is that it’s accessible to anyone with a computer. It’s all online for you and you don’t need to wait for anything to arrive in the post. You can start in the next 5 minutes! Take a look and see for yourself and remember to come back here and leave your comments.

Visit the FAT LOSS 4 Idiots Website Now,for Full Details and/or Purchase, by CLICKING on the Link,below:

CLICK HERE to Visit: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Website – Now!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots FACTS: Whether you’ve been struggling with your weight for years or if it’s something that’s just recently become an issue, this…Finally is something that REALLY works for the rest of us and doesn’t require counting calories, carbs, or fat — it’s so simple and foolproof that ANYONE can do it without harmful drugs or starvation!

This Diet will have You losing 9 Pounds Every 11 Days – Guaranteed! And,You can repeat the process whenever you want too. It Always Works!! On SALE for Only $39.00. If You are not satisfied for any reason, tell Us & We will refund your Full Purchase Price to You,within 60 Days after purchase.

Visit the FAT LOSS 4 Idiots Website Now,for Full Details and/or Purchase, by CLICKING on the Link,below:


CLICK HERE to Visit: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Website – Now!




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